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Now That Is More Like Our Team

There can be very few City followers who woke up this morning with yet another depressive mood waiting to overtake them after a City game.  I cannot see one single little thing to moan about about yesterday's effort. 

Now if this type of application and team set up can be carried on to the end of the season, then that R word can be put firmly in the back of our minds.  From all over the park the players gave it everything,  no small wonder that they looked knackered, yes we may have to work a little harder than some teams, but that is no way any criticism of the players.

This morning press carries the usual stuff, of how Manchester City failed to see off Norwich, how they were below par, you know the picture we have seen it more than enough over the years.  No mention of how gutsy and determined our team played,  but instead,  lets forget the fact that Ruddy had hardly a save to make, or how we could have won the game ourselves. Notice I didn't say nick it,  we had our moments where we made their defence look ordinary and if it wasn't for an Oscar winning perfomance Hooper may well have had one that would have counted.

Personally I am use to the national media not always giving our team it's correct  praise, and being honest how many of these reporters actually sitting in the press box anyways.

I see Man City players are quite good at blaming everything else except themselves, the Wind, The Pitch , The Injuries.  but wasn't that exactly the same for Yellow City.  or did the Wind drop stop blowing on us, and haven't we got serveral injuries too.

Yes the Blue ones may have been under par, but many (including me) thought they still had enough to see us off, yet they certainly overlooked and perhaps didn't not have the respect for our players as they deserved,  ask Toure on that one.

I have not been a fan of Chris Hughton, always thought he was not quite up to the job in just about all areas, but I give him an massive amount of credit for that yesterday, he got things so right, I believe he out Foxed, Pellegrini, and must be feeling quite proud of himself..he deserves that.

Now this must be carried on into Tuesday's game against West Ham where we have a darn good chance to take all the points,  if not and we give another below par performance then yesterdays result and effort will have been for nothing.

A little pride restored .. if you want a decent read that whip over to the  Durham Dossier on the DailyMail's web site

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