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Why ? Are they not ready

I am a little puzzled by the following quote from Neil Adams, speaking ahead of tonight's game with an improving Leeds side. Adams is hoping that both Lafferty and Hoolveld with be passed fit to take a place each in tonights game.  Nothing wrong with I am sure many of us will be more than happy to have both back. 

Adams Quote="I'm hoping that Lafferty and Hooiveld will both start against Leeds and that Russell Martin can move to right back."

But what puzzles me and other supporters,  why is Russell Martin moved from full back to centre back when injuries crop up,  and then back again now Hoolveld is back in contention.   when we have two other players capable of filling in.  Carlos Cuéllar and Ignasi Miquel both signed by Adams and both centre backs.  Are they not good enough ?  Are they not fit enough ?  

Just what the heck is wrong it must be something to warrant moving Martin from full back to the centre.






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